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Agnes Meyer-Brandis is a Berlin based artist with a background in sculpture and new media, She creates works on the fringes of science, fiction and fabulation. Educated first in mineralogy, followed by studies at the art academies in Maastricht, Düsseldorf and Cologne, she has founded the Research Raft, a fictitious Institute for Art & Subjective Science that purposefully ‘is asking questions but gives no answers’ in fields such as climate research, environmental studies, meteorology, as well as synthetic and artistic biology.
Meyer-Brandis’ work has been exhibited worldwide and awarded with many prizes, including two Prix Ars Electronica Awards of Distinction & the European Kairos prize.

grants and awards - exhibitions - performances - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• g r a n t s   &   a w a r d s

2021............... BBK innovative art project funding support
2021............... Research Grant of the Berlin Senat
2020............... KAIROS Prize of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation, european culture award
2019............... Headlands Center for the Arts, Artist in Residence, US, grant
2019............... Visting Artist, Arts at MIT, Cambridge, US, grant
2018............... Stiftung Kunstfonds, working grant
2017............... Artist in Residence, Goethe Institute Montreal, CA, grant
2017............... KLAS award, Artist in residence Max Planck Institute, prize
2015............... Award of Distinction, Prix Ars Electronica 2015, AT, prize
2013/14......... Artist in Residence, SMEAR Forest Research Station, Hyytiälä, FI, grant
2013............... VIDA15., Art & Artificial Life International Awards, Telefonica, second prize
2013............... KfW - Audience Award of Videonale 14, 2013, DE, Award
2012............... Award of Distinction, Prix Ars Electronica 2012, AT, prize
2012............... Berliner Senat, Ausstellungsförderung, 2012, DE , grant
2011............... Emerging artist award for Performance of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), .........................Frauenkulturbüro, Germany
2010/11......... Graduate School for the Arts and Sciences, UDK, Berlin, research grant
2010............... Villa Aurora grant of "Kunstsalon Köln", artist in residence Los Angeles
2009............... Dock e.V. production grant, Berlin
2009............... Artist in Residence, National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA), .........................Ekaterinburg Branch / Moscow, Ru
2008............... Culture Award Rhineland, Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung
2008............... HMK, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, media arts grant of North Rhine- .........................Westphalia (NRW), Germany
2008............... Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, artist in residency, grant
2007............... Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, At, Honorary Mention
2006............... Transmediale Award 2006, Berlin, G, first price
2006............... Japan Media Arts Festival, Tokyo, Japan, jury recommended work
2006............... Artist in Residence, Goethe Institut, Porto Alegre, Brazil, grant
2005............... Kunststiftung NRW, Düsseldorf, G, project grant ("SGM-Iceberg-Probe")
2005............... Kunstraum Aarau, Science & Cite, Aarau, Switzerland, price/grant
2004............... Award for Media Art of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany
2003............... Prix Ars Electronica 2003, Linz, Austria, honorary mention
2003............... CynetArt Award04, international media art festival, Dresden, G, distinction
2000............... Artist in Residence, New York, DAAD, grant

grants and awards - exhibitions - performances - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• S o l o   e x h i b i t i o n s

2025/26........... „As Trees Go By- Agnes Meyer-Brandis“, Serlachius Museum, Mänttä, FI
2023............... „One Tree ID - Agnes Meyer-Brandis“, KONTEJNER Gallery Zagreb, HRV
2022............... „Agnes Meyer-Brandis“, Cukrarna Museum, Ljubljana, SI
2022............... „One Tree ID“, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
2019............... „Ausgezeichnet“, Kunstmuseum Bonn, DE
2017............... „Agnes Meyer-Brandis - Moon Geese, Cloud Cores and Wandering Trees“, ........................ HeK, House of Electronic Arts Basel, CH
2012............... “In the air: Control Room Tempelhof", airport tower Tempelhof, Berlin, DE
2011............... “BEYOND", kunstraum muenchen, Munic, DE
2011............... "OF ROCKS AND ROCKETS", Fuhrwerkswaage Kunstraum, Cologne, DE
2010............... “Cloud Core Scanner - INSIDE THE TROPOSPHERIC LABORATORY",
......................... Schering Foundation, Berlin, DE
2010............... “Cloud Core Scanner - INSIDE THE TROPOSPHERIC LABORATORY",
......................... glasmoog, Cologne, DE
2009...............“Impact - Studies in Cause and Effect", National Center For Contemporary ......................... Art (NCCA), Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia
2006............... "Bambu-Scan", Torreão, Goethe Institute, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2005............... "Tools To Search", Artspace Aarau, Switzerland
2005............... "SGM-Iceberg-Probe", Artspace Düsseldorf, DE
2005............... "Earth Core Lab and Elf Scan", Galery Kapelica, Ljubljana, Slovenija
1999............... “Flöhtüh, Flöhtah!“, Parkhaus Malkastenpark, Düsseldorf, DE

• G r o u p    e x h i b i t i o n s  ( s e l e c t i o n )

2025............... „SYMPTOMATICA I HORIZON", Art, Science & Technology Biennale 2025
........................ 798CUBE Art Museum, Beijing, CN

2024............... „Connected Earth", Ars Electronica Center, Linz, AT
........................ „Magnum Opus", Art & Science Biennale, Daejeon Art Museum, KR
........................ „Forests", Museum Sinclair Haus für Kunst und Natur, Bad Homburg, DE
........................ „Periferia, Forest Art Lab, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, FI
........................ „Wild Bits", Tech- and art farm Maajaam, cultural capital Tartu, EE
........................ „Stellar Scape", Le Pavillon, Namur, BE

2023............... „(Co)Owning More-Than-Truth", Ars Electronica, Linz AT
........................„Suspension of Disbelief", TANK Shanghai, China
........................ „Amazing Nature“,Kunstcentret Silkeborg Bad, DK
........................„Cosmological Elements", Times Art Museum (Beijing), CH
........................„Lost in Space", Muffathalle München, DE
........................„The Big Picture", HALLE14 Zentrum f. zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig, DE

2022............... „In Transfer - A New Condition", Esch2022, Ars Electronica Exhibition , LU
........................ „Biotopia“, KIKK, Le Pavillon, Namur, BE
........................ „Cosmology and Art", Shanghai, Fosun Foundation
........................ „Sensoria", Gales Gallery, York University Toronto, CA 
........................ „Sensoria“, Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, PL

2021............... „Horizonte", Kunsthaus Zofingen, CH
........................ „May the Other Life in Me", Laboratoria, Tretyakov Gallery Moscow, RU
........................ „Pense a Todo Imaginar,", Cuernavaca, MEX
........................ „Holobiont . Life is Other", Magazin 4, Bregenz, AT
........................ „Krasnoyarsk Bienale 2021", Museum Ploshad Mira, Krasnoyarsk, RU
........................ „Nature Talks", Sørø Art Museum, DK

2020............... „The Dark", Centre for Contemporary Art Derry~Londonderry, UK
........................ „Oeko-Logics", Stadtmuseum Freiburg, DE
........................ „Space Works", Tampere Art Museum,FI
........................ „KV-Enzyclopaedie", Kunstverein Leipzig, DE

2019............... „Hors Pistes", Centre Pompidou Paris, FR
........................ „Moonlight", Hasselblad Foundation, Göteborg, SE
........................ „Man_Moon", FOMU -Museum of Photography, Antwerp, BE
........................ „Un/Green", Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga, LTU
........................ „Sense of Wonder", Vita Kuben, Umea, SE
........................ „Experiment Zukunft", Kunsthalle Rostock, DE
........................ „OUVERT", Centre D`Art Contemporain Transpalette, Bourges, FR

2018............... „Green Friday", National Gallery of Denmark SMK, Copenhagen, DK
........................ „Monitoring", Kunstverein Kassel, DE
........................ „Strata-Rock-Dust-Stars", York Museum, UK

2017............... „No Such Thing as Gravity“, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
........................ „6 Thessaloniki Biennale", Thessaloniki, GR
........................ „Splice“, Oulu Art Museum, FI
........................ „Nun scheint in vollem Glanze“, Museum Villa Roth, Burgrieden-Rot, DE
........................ „No Such Thing as Gravity“, FACT, Liverpool, UK

2016............... „Setting Out“, apexart, New York City, NY, US
........................ „Project COSMOS“, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, KOR
........................ „Metamorf“, Biennale for Art & Technology, Trondheim, NO
........................ „Starry Skies of Art”, New Art Museum Gosta, Mantta, FI
........................ „Transgression, Syncretism", Asian Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea
........................ „Artificiality and Innocence”, Landshape Festival, Blokhus, DK
........................ „3:e våningen, Dance & Artspace, Göteborg, SE
........................ „Starry Skies of Art”, New Art Museum Gosta, Mantta, FI
........................ „Human Factor“, Ars Electronica Export, VW Drive Forum, Berlin, DE
........................ „Mobili-té-tät-tà-ty“,Fondation APCD, Marly, CH

2015............... "Outer Space", Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, DE
........................ "BER-DTM-HNL", MedienKunstVerein HMKV, Dortmund, DE
........................ "#catcontent", Kunstpalais Erlangen, DE
........................ "Beam me up", Kunsthalle Kristianstads, SE
........................ "On the Edge", Tieranatomisches Theater, Berlin, DE
........................ "Salon de l'Astronautique de Plaisance", Les Halles
........................ de Schaerbeek, Brüssel, BE
........................ "On the Edge", Tieranatomisches Theater, Berlin, DE
........................ "Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition", OÖ Center, Linz, AT
........................ "Hemelbestormers (Sky Troopers)", Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
........................ "Contemporary Art In The Traditional Museum",
........................ Central Research Museum of Geological Studies, St. Petersburg, RU
........................ "Globale - Exo Evolution", ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, DE

2014............... "Republic of the Moon", Oxo Tower, Bargehouse, London, UK
........................ "Where are we now?", Marrakesh Biennale, Marrakesh, Morocco
........................ "Ghost Nature: Beyond & Between Transhuman Spaces",
........................ Gallery 400, Chicago, USA
........................ "VIDA 15", Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid, ES
........................ "The Invisible Force Behind", Quadrienale Düsseldorf, IMAI, Düsseldorf, DE

2013............... "The End of the 20thCcentury, The Best is Yet to Come. A dialogue with the
........................ Marx collection", Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof -
........................ Museum for Contemporary Art Berlin, DE
........................ "Terra Zero", Microwave Festival, City Hall, Hongkong
........................ "Ice Lab", LABORATORIA Art&Science Space, Moscow, RU
........................ "Videonale 14 on Tour", Moscow
........................ "Free Enterprise: The Art of Citizen Space Exploration", California Museum
........................ of Photography, Culver Center of the Arts, Riverside, Los Angeles, USA
.........................."video_dumbo", Eyebeam, New York, NY, USA
.........................."Space Odyssey 2.0", Z33 House for contemporary Art, Hasselt, BE
.........................."Videonale 14", Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, DE
.........................."Rauchwolken&Luftschlösser", Gesellschaft f. Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, DE

2012............... "Possible Waters", Goethe Instiute Tokyo, JP
.........................."Lexus Hybrid Art 2012", Design Center Artplay, Moscow, RU
.........................."As Slow as Possible", AV Festival, Great North Museum, Newcastle, UK
.........................."Die 10 Kammern d. Phylogenese", Insitut Rheinumschlag, Düsseldorf, DE
.........................."Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition", OK Center, Linz, AT
.........................."9th Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Kassel, DE
.........................."Ignis mutat res: Das Feuer verändert die Dinge”, Frise, Hamburg, DE

2011............... "Republic of the Moon ", FACT, Liverpool, UK
.........................."Transitio_MX4", CENART, National Center for the Arts, Mexico City, MX
.........................."Cloudbusters", TAG, Den Haag, NL
.........................."Cyberarts 2011", Prix Ars Electronica, OK Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, AT

2010............... "video_dumbo", DUMBO ARTS CENTER, Brooklyn, New York, USA
.........................."Impact" ARPIA vzw *art with landscape*, Herzele, Belgium
.........................."Agua Na Oca", Oca, Parque Ibirapuera - São Paulo, Brazil
.......................... "Transatlantische Impulse" ADK, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE
.......................... "Control Issues", Mills Gallery, Boston Center for the Arts, USA
.......................... "To the Elements! Aesthetic Phenomena of Climate Change",
.......................... Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building, New York, USA
.........................."Unwetter" ADK, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE
.......................... Goethe-Institut Hongkong / Cape Town - Südafrika
.......................... "Art Special Hansa" Gereonsturm, Cologne, DE
.......................... "Studies in Light an Space", transmediale.10, Berlin, DE

2009............... “Art On Site", 3rd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, National Center .......................... For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Moscow, RU
..........................“Bienial al Fin del Mundo", Ushuaia, Argentina
..........................Expedition to the Total Eclipse", Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, .......................... Finnish National Gallery, FI

2008...............“Intervened Nature - Thoughts on Nature, Environment and
New Technologies", Espacio Inciarte Church Santa Lucía, Sevilla, ES
..........................“Magical Systems ", Kunstverein Tromsø, NO
..........................“Shift", Festival der elektronischen Künste, Basel, CH
..........................“CynetArt 08", Kunsthaus Dresden, DE
..........................“Rauma Biennale Balticum ", Rauma Art Museum, FI
..........................“Workflow", DASA , Dortmund, DE
..........................“Videokunstpreis", Sculpture Museum Glaskasten Marl, DE
..........................“Fieldtest Dachstein/Tiefenrausch", OK-Centrum, Linz09, AT
..........................“Bild-Macht-Wissen", Galerie 5020, Salzburg, AT
..........................“EMAF", European Media Art Festival (Screening), Osnabrück, DE

2007............... “Space Art ",ESA/DLR International Space Exploration Conference, Berlin
..........................“Taxonomies", Comafosca-Node of Art & Thought, Alella, ES
..........................“CyberArts", Prix Ars Electronica, OK Centrum, Linz, AT
..........................“Brückenmusik", Deutzer Brücke Köln, DE
..........................“The game is up", Arts Centre Vooruit, Gent, BE
..........................“Transrobota", National Museum, Szczecin, PL

2006............... “Interface and society", Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, NO
.......................... “Lab30", Kulturbüro Augsburg, DE
..........................“Paraflows”, Vienna, AT
..........................“Kombi Ticket", Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Aachen, DE
..........................“Japan Media Arts Festival”, Tokyo, JP
..........................“Transmediale”, intern. festivalfor art & digital media, Berlin, DE
..........................Smile Machines”, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE

2004............... "BEAP", Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, Australia
..........................“Monitoring”, 21st Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival,DE
..........................“VIPER” International Festival for Film Video and new Media, CH
..........................“Unter Strom”, Kunsthalle Darmstadt, DE
..........................“Transmitter“, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, DE

2003............... “CyberArts”, Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition, O.k Centrum, Linz, AT

2002............... “Unpluggged”, Ars Electronica Campus, Linz, AT
..........................“Carte Blanche“, Galery Lab, Strasbourg,France

2001............... “Juke- box“, Theatre "Cannibal", Besancon, France
2000............... Galery Gaby Kraushaar, Düsseldorf, D
1999............... “Flöhtüh, Flöhrtah!“,Parkhaus Malkastenpark, Düsseldorf, D
1998............... "Reality bites", Galery Walbröl, Düsseldorf, D
1997............... "Verweildauer" , Kunstverein Gütersloh, D

grants and awards - exhibitions - performances - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

"M a k i n g    C l o u d s   o r    O n    T h e    A b s e n c e    o f   W e i g h t "
   a   w a n d e r k i n o  /  p e r f o r m a n c e

• Weltecho, Festival kammerMachen, Chemnitz, D, 2011
• HAU 3, Hebberl am Ufer, Berlin, D, 2011
• TAG, Den Haag, NL 2011
• Kunstraum Walcheturm, Zürich, CH 2010
• Plug.In, Basel , CH 2010
• Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, St. Gallen, CH 2010
• Sophiensaeele, Virchowsaal, Berlin, D 2010

• L e c t u r e   P e r f o r m a n c e s (selection)

"Have a Tea with a Tree“, ICI Lectures, UQAM Universität, Montreal, CA, 2019
"On the Observation of Moon Geese “, Black Diamont, Copenhagen, DK, 2019
"On the Observation of Moon Geese “, Hasselblad Foundation, Goteborg, SE, 2019
"Wandering Trees“, Green SLSA Conference, Copenhagen, DK, 2018
"METEOROS - In der Luft befindlich“, RÉPUBLIQUE GÉNIALE, Live Art + Performance Festival, Kunstmuseum, Bern, CH, 2018
"Have a Tea with a Tree“, Sensing Technologies, University of Potsdam, DE, 2018
• „Have a Tea with a Tree”, Climate Whirl event: Forest/Climate/Time, Helsinki, FI, `17
• „Tea Sessions Bern”, Bone Performance Festival, Zentrum Paul Klee CH, `15
• „Among Trees”, University of Helsinki, Hyytiälä Forestry Station, FI, `15
• „Among Trees”, Ursulinenhof, Ars Electronica, AT, `15
• „Tealemetree Workshop”, SMEAR Forest Research Station, Hyytiälä FI, `14
"Cloud Cores ", Nano-Workshop, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, DE, 2012
"Space Travelling / Moon Geese", Envisioning Limits Conference, FU, Berlin, DE, 2012
"Spacewalk for Moon Geese and Humans ", Pollinaria, Pescara, IT, 2011
"Space Travelling", KOSMICA", The Arts Catalyst, London, UK, 2011
"Space Travelling",TransNatural", TAG, Amsterdam, NL, 2011
"Space Travelling", Qo2 werkplaats, Brüssel, BE, 2011
"The New Afar", Hartware MedienKunstverein HMKV Dortmund, DE, 2009
"From the Subsurdum: Space and Time", JETLAG, Pact Zollverein, Essen, DE, 2009
• "Drilling Consortium", Bienal al Fin del Mundo, Beagle Chanel, Argentina, 2009
"Space Travelling", Kiasma, Finnish National Gallery, Finnland, 2009
"Stone Stories", Ural University and NCCA Jekaterinburg, RU, 2009
• "Tools To Search", Shift, Basel, CH, 2008
• "Drilling Consortium", Kunstverein Tromsø, Tromsø, NO, 2008
• "Tools To Search", CynetArt 08, Kunsthaus Dresden, DE, 2008
• "Tools To Search", Galerie 5020, Salzburg, AT, 2008
• "Tools To Search", Taxonomies, Comafosca, Allela-Barcelona, ES, 2007
• "Tools To Search", Fricties Saloon, Arts Centre Vooruit, Gent, BE, 2007
• "Tools To Search", Artspace Aarau, Switzerland, 2005

exhibitions - performances - grants and awards - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

L e c t u r e s / P a n e l s ( s e l e c t i o n )

• ECAM (European Center of Art, Design and Media based Research) at the FHNW, Academy of Art and Design Basel, Switzerland, 2020
• Beyond the Cradle, MIT, Center for Art, Science and Technology CAST, Boston
Cambridge, USA, 2019
• Useful Fiction Symposium, Paris, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, FR und University California, Davis, USA, 2019
• Mills College, Oakland, USA, 2019
Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), DE, 2019
ISU, International Space University, Strassbourg, FR, 2018
University of Potsdam, European Media Studies, DE 2018
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2016
Guest docent, Bern University of the Arts (HKB), CH, 2015
• F-A-S-T-Framing-Art-Science-Technology a project by HfBK Dresden in cooperation with HTW Dresden and TU Dresden, `14
• „Space Travelling”, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, DE, `14
• „Space Travelling”, Universität der Künste (UdK), Berlin, DE, `14
• Biofilia, Aalto University, Helsinki, FI, Sept, 2013
Synapse 2013, HKW, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, April, 2013
Kosmica, Z33Hasselt, BE, April, 2013
Stanford University Department of Art & Art History, Oct. 2011
• TRANSITIO MX_04, Mexico City, Oct. 2011
ISU, International Space University, Strassbourg, FR, 2010 and 2011
Forschende Künstler", Halle 14, Spinnereigelände, Leipzig, D, 2010
"Unwetter", ADK, Akademie der Künste, D, 2010
"Destination Moon", Transmediale 2010 Panel, HKW, Berlin, D, 2010
UCSB, University of Santa Barbara, Ca, USA, 2010
Otis College, Los Angeles,Ca, USA 2010
"Destination Moon", Transmediale.10 Salon, Berlin, 2010
University Luzern, Switzerland, 2009
Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Finnish National Gallery, Finnland, 2009
Ural University, Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009
• Less Remote, Glasgow, Scottland, 2008
• Biorama, DRU, Hudderfield, UK, 2007
• Instituto Artes/UFRGS - PPGAV [Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul], Brazil, 2006
• Goethe Institute Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2006
• Pro Mata, research station of the PUCRS (Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul)    in cooperation with the University of Tübingen, Brazil, 2006
• Transmediale, international Festival for Art and digital Media, Berlin, G, 2006
• Viper, international Festival for Art and New Media, Switzerland, 2004
• Ars Electronica Campus, panel, Austria, 2002

exhibitions - performances - grants and awards - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• P e r m a n e n t   s c u l p t u r e s   i n   p u b l i c   s p a c e     

·  “On Tree Migration, Jutland, DK”, Blokhus DK, 2016
commissioned by the Jammerbugt Municipality, DK

·  “Tealemetree Station”, SMEAR Forest Research Station, Hyytiälä, FI, 2014
commissioned by the University of Helsinki and Capsula

· "The Crater of Sint Lievens Esse", Herzele, Belgium, 2010
commissioned by ?Arpia - Art with Landscape"

·   "The Golden Crater", Jekaterinburg, Russia, 2009
commissioned by the National Center for Contemporary   Art (NCCA)

exhibitions - performances - grants and awards - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• W o r k s h o p s   a n d   t e a c h i n g  

SoSe 2023 - WS 23/24, visiting professor, head of the New Media class at the Berlin University of the Arts UDK, Faculty of Design, Institute for Transmedia Design

Visiting artist and guest Lecturer, Michigan State University MSU, Department of Art, Art History, and Design, Michigan, USA, March 2023

Seminar at the graduate school of the ECAM (European Center of Art, Design and Media based Research) at the FHNW, Academy of Art and Design Basel, CH, 2020

Workshop "Lessons in V-Flying“,
MIT Center for Art, Science and Technology, Cambridge, USA, 2019  

Studio Visits and Lecture
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 2016

Stanford University Department of Art & Art History
• 2011-2012 Studio Lecture Series

ISU, International Space University, Strasbourg, France,
• 2010 and 2011 and 2018

Moon Walk Workshop,
National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA), Ekaterinburg, Ru, 2009

Moon Walk Workshop,
Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, FI,

Workshop, "Stone Stories",
Ural University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2009

"Dozent" at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, Germany, since 2004
• experimental animation and installation
>> Workshop "Schattenspielfilme" and Video-Pocus Parameter , SS07

Workshop, University of Applied Sciences Aargau [FHA], Switzerland, 2006
>> WS 2005/06 • "Materielle Phantasmen" (Material Phantasms)
>> WS 2006/07 • "High Res. Alien"
>> WS 2007/08 • "Raumschraube"

"Dozent" at the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein, Germany, 2004
• photography and media design

exhibitions - performances - grants and awards - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• E d u c a t i o n






Masters Degree Audio Visual Media
• Postgraduate studies, Art Academy of Media Arts [KHM], Cologne, G
Masters Degree (Akademiebrief + Meisterschülerin), Düsseldorf Art Academy, G, • Prof: Magdalena Jetelovà
Art Academy Maastricht, Netherlands
• study: sculpture
RWTH University Aachen, G
• study: mineralogy
Highschool diploma, gymnasium Aachen, Germany
exchange student, 6 months stay, Highschool Waterloo, Canada



exhibitions - performances - grants and awards - lectures - public space - workshops/teaching - education - other

• O t h e r

• Jury member (Ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia), International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, G, 2005 and 2006

• Jury member, art competition Goethe Institute Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2006

ffUR || "Forschungsfloss für Unterirdische Riffologie