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IMPACT - STUDIES IN CAUSE AND EFFECTS - FFUR research in Ekaterinburg Th

Research focus and projects of the FFUR in the scope of the research travel to Ekaterinburg in January and May 2009.

NCCA crater fieldNCCA Ekaterinburg, crater field view from above





Impact Event and Public Meteorit Watching - May 16th 2009, museum night Th

Impact - Public Meteorit Watching
public meteorit watching and happening, after the impact the crater was examined in the search for the fallen meteorits

Date: May 16th 2009, start at 9pm
expected impact time: 10:32pm
Location: National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia

NCCA crater impactImpact, public Meteorit-Watching, May 16th 2009,
Museum Night, NCCA Ekaterinburg



>>> more here

Meteorit Scanning - public laboratory after the IMPACT Th

Meteorit Scanning
after the impact and recovery of the fallen meteorits, the cosmic stones have been examined by the FFUR and a public meteorit scanning session followed.

Date: May 16th 2009
Location: National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia

meteorit scanning session NCCAMeteorit Scanning, public laboratory, NCCA Ekaterinburg



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The Golden Crater - a sculpture in public space, NCCA area

The Golden Crater
a sculpture in public space and
impact memorial - again public meteorit scanning laboratory

Opening Date: May 27th 2009 at 7pm
Location: National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia

NCCA crater sketch by AMBGolden Crater sculpture detail - an impact memorial
in public space, NCCA Ekaterinburg



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Space Travelling for Beginners - a public moon walk workshop Th

Moon Walking on Earth - a workshop
How to get the moon down on earth?
Space travelling for beginners.

Date: May 24th 2009 at 4pm
Location / Meeting Point: Parc Mamina-Sibirjaka Street, Ekaterinburg
In cooperation with: Boom Dance and the National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia

MonnWalkWorkshop Flyer by AMBMoon Walking Workshop, NCCA Ekaterinburg

It might sound lunatic but we will discover "moony" (= contrast of sunny) Ekaterinburg
and moonwalking around the local craters of Ekaterinburg.

Additional info: The moonwalk or backslide is a dance technique that presents the illusion that the dancer is stepping forward whilst actually moving backward.

>>> more here

Stone Stories - site specific workshop in Ekaterinburg, January 09 Th

Stone Stories :
a workshop in urban space in Ekaterinburg

Date: 30.Jan.- 31. Jan. 2009
Location: National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia
In cooperation with: Ural Geological Museum (USMU) and the National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) Ekaterinburg Branch, Russia

stone stories workshop group pictureStone Stories, Workshop Ekaterinburg, January `09



>>> more here

Meteorit and Crater research of the FFUR Th

crater marmin sibirjiak streetCrater Studies, Mamina-Sibirjaka Street,Ekaterinburg



>>> more here, coming soon

Press and other related texts Th

National Center for Contemporary Arts
NCCA Moscow >>> here
NCCA Jekaterinburg >>> here
Art On SIte Project >>> here

Article:"Wundersamer Meteoritenabsturz"
Author: Irina Kudjrawtsewa >>> here
Impact Booklet texts >>> here
Moon Walk Workshop Flyer >>> here

stone and AMB in Ural Geological MuseumUral Geological Museum (USMU) Ekaterinburg


Articles Impact Happening:


Agnes Meyer-Brandis
ffUR || "research raft for subterranean reefology"