CCS Tropos Exhibition   Wanderkino Performance  |  home 

Making Clouds or
On The Absence of Weight

CCS sphere lab
nano-graphics, cloud core image, in collaboration with Dipl.-Ing. René Hensel, recorded with a Leica Microscope, Agnes Meyer-Brandis / VG Bilkunst

Making Clouds or On The Absence of Weight
a contemporary Wanderkino and performance lecture

The Wanderkino deals with the Art and Science under the absence of weight. As a mix of film, performance and lecture it shows flying machines with mechanisms based on gravity and weightlessness, examines cloud cores and presents a gravimetric documentation of an unusual experiment. The audience witnesses a perambulation on the search for reality degree of constructions. It experiences the reality within the movie and the trick within the reality.

Starting point is an artistic project under the condition of weightlessness, entitled "Cloud-Core-Scanner". The experiment participated in a microgravity generating flight manoeuvre, that is usually restricted to scientific interests and was executed in collaboration with the DLR ( German Aerospace Centre).

The Material, generated under unearthly conditions, mixes and raises the issue of communication structures of contemporary art with some quite surreal forms of science (nanotechnology, Fluid-dynamic research, meteorology). As central metaphor as well as the main focus of the filmed procedures serves the theory of cloud formation.

CCS sphere lab

Poster of the premiere: 5. and 6. February 2010, 6pm
Location: Sophiensaele Beriin, De

idee and performance
Agnes Meyer-Brandis

Dramaturgische Assistenz
Eva Meyer-Keller

Johannes Kraemer

Lucas Gruber

video- and computertechnology
Jens Brand

Institute for Tropospheric Research (Leipzig)
Dr. Frank Stratmann

weightless light and air pump
Martin Riches

software weighing maneuver
Ralf Baecker

sound (video) Fluid Matter
Michael Moser

camera documentation airport
Rüdiger Spott

Dipl.-Ing. René Hensel, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Max
Bergmann Center of Biomaterials
technical support Sophiensaele
Stefan Neumann
Arne Reinhardt

A produktion of DOCK e.V. in collaboration with the Schering Foundation and the Sophiensaele. Partner-Event of transmediale.10
The experiment "Cloud Core Scanner" was realisiert in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center DLR .
Supported by the Filmstiftung NRW
and Leica Microsystems
Many Thanks to the essential contribution of the sponsors and the wonderful Cloud Core Gound-Crew. Without their help the project would not have been possible.Many thanks as well to Dr. Dr. h.c. Lorenz Ratke, Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum, DLR, Dr. Frank Stratmann und Dr. Stefan Mertes, IfT Leipzig and Dipl. phys. Jakob C. Schweizer, Institute of Biophysics, Biotec/TU Dresden

videostills and pics, Virchowsaal,Sophiensaeele, Berlin, De, Feb. 5th 2010

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab
Foto: Arne Reinhardt

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

CCS sphere lab

ffUR || "Forschungsfloss für Unterirdische Riffologie